Benjamin D. Keen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics
University of Oklahoma
308 Cate Center Drive
437 Cate Center One
Norman, OK 73019





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Ph.D., Economics, University of Virginia, 2002
M.A., Economics, Miami University, 1994
B.S., Economics, Miami University, 1993

Research Interests:
Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Time Series Econometrics

Selected Publications:
“Modeling the Asymmetric Effects of an Oil Price Shock,” (with Lance J. Bachmeier), International Journal of Central Banking, 2023, 19(3) 1-47, (lead article).
“How Robust Are Popular Models of Nominal Frictions?” (with Evan F. Koenig), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2018, 50(6), 1299-1342.
“Forward Guidance and the State of the Economy,” (with Alexander W. Richter and Nathan A. Throckmorton), Economic Inquiry, 2017, 55(4), 1593-1624, (lead article).
“Monetary Policy, the Tax Code and the Real Effects of Energy Shocks,” (with William T. Gavin and Finn E. Kydland), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2015, 18(3), 694-707.
“The Zero Lower Bound, the Dual Mandate, and Unconventional Dynamics,” (with William T. Gavin, Alexander W. Richter, and Nathan A. Throckmorton), Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2015, 55, 14-38.
“Output, Inflation, and Interest Rates in an Estimated Optimizing Model of Monetary Policy,” Review of Economic Dynamics, 2009, 12(2), 327-343.
“Sticky Price and Sticky Information Price-Setting Models: What is the Difference?” Economic Inquiry, 2007, 45(4), 770-786.
“In Search of the Liquidity Effect in a Modern Monetary Model,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 2004, 51(7), 1467-1494.
“Results of a Study of Stability of Cointegrating Relations Comprised of Broad Monetary Aggregates,” (with John B. Carlson, Dennis L. Hoffman, and Robert H. Rasche), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2000, 46(2), 345-383.

Fall 2024 Class Schedule:
ECON 5163: Advanced Macroeconomic & Growth Theory, MW, 9:00-10:15AM
ECON 3133: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, MWF, 11:00-11:50AM
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Last Modified: June 23, 2024